Marmox Board Fixing

1- Install boards horizontally, staggering the boards and overlapping substrate joints. Refer to fig 4 and fig 5. Ensure the entire surface of the Marmox boards is level prior to the application of the next step.


Fig. 4



For corners board should be cut in V-Grove and bend from the middle at 90 degrees. So at corners there should be single board from either sides of the wall

Fig. 5



Marmox board joints should never align with openings such as windows or doors. Offset Marmox board joints 200mm or more from the corners of openings. The insulation material around windows must be cut from one piece. If the frame of the window or door flushes with the substrate surface, the reinforcing mesh should overlap the Marmox Board and should continue to the window seal at least 10cm.


2- Allow for at least 1 day before installing the dowels, for better results allow for 3 days.

3- Fix Dowels on Marmox boards by drilling, to ensure that 40mm of the dowel is inside the wall substrate, with minimum of 5 (five) dowels per square meter.

4- Apply self-adhesive fiberglass mesh tape over the joints of Marmox Boards.

5- Apply a thin layer of Joint compound on the top of mesh and dowels.